She Shoots, She Scores

On NOTSTRAIGHTcast #39, Becca and Joe discuss the flooding in Pittsburgh, their Easter, the fact that NOTSTRAIGHTradio is now available on your smart speaker, the results of the Cards Against Humanity party that Becca threw, and have Out and The Advocate combined?

In the news, we discuss Transgender erasure by the New York Times, LGBTQ women candidates discouraged from running for office, the Twin Flames Universe , Women sports-only bars, and a harder yet less forgetful Moment of Conclusion.

Show Contents:

0:00 Welcome
0:30 Flooding in Pittsburgh
4:16 Easter Wrap-up / Becca wasn’t feeling well but is on the mend
7:13 NOTSTRAIGHTradio on your smart speaker
10:15 Cards Against Humanity party
14:20 Easter Gifts
15:15 OUT and The Advocate combine forces
20:20 Story 1 – NYT Transgender erasure
33:50 Story 2 – LGBTQ Candidates discouraged from politics
42:30 Story 3 – Twin Flames Universe cult
48:34 Story 4 – Women sports-only bars
54:35 Moment of Conclusion
58:00 Wrap up

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